Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Solo drumming competition results

Congrats to Thomas, Helen & Rhys who all participated in the Jim Bird Memorial contest (solo drumming competition) at the Dumbarton & District Pipe Band Hall in Renton last Saturday! Helen placed third in the stick & pad competition and Thomas placed 7th in the under-14 march competition!!

Monday, 3 October 2011

Band Practice

Reminder: there is no practice at Byker tomorrow (4th October) as the room isn't available. There IS practice both tonight and Thursday evening.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Cowal Championships

Reminder: this weekend we're at the West End Hotel in West Bay, Dunoon. The postal code is PA23 7HU. We still have some places available so please spread the word to family/other musicians!

Friday, 19 August 2011

Upcoming events

Bank Holiday weekend coming up fast:
* Cowal Highland Games (band competes on the 27th). Please bring in money for hotel at next practice! Remember, £75/adult and £50/kid for the two nights. There are a couple more places available so contact me for a room assignment if necessary.
* Glendale Show on the 29th August. Band opens the main ring entertainment at 1 pm & also closes the show.

Friday, 12 August 2011

World Championships in Glasgow

Reminder: early start tomorrow morning!! The coach leaves from The Turnpike on Hillhead Parkway (NE5 1DR) at 6 am! We can't wait as we meet up with Tom & rest of the band at the Needle at 9 am. There are 52 Grade 4B bands registered for the competition. We play in Heat 2 at 10.24 am. Good luck to everybody!!

Saturday, 23 July 2011


Congratulations to all our musicians who participated in the Rothbury Music Festival piping & drumming competitions!! Morgan, Matthew, Thomas, Helen & Rhys all did an incredible job and we're very proud of them!

Save this date...

Please mark the 6th of August on your calenders!!! The band has a fundraiser at the Brunswick Village Community's fun day (from approx 13.30 - 16.00, times to be confirmed). BUT, this might not be just a simple fundraiser! The band has been contacted by Wire Media (responsible for press for the Worlds), who would like to organise a “Pick up the Pipes” event in Newcastle with us at this activity. Stay tuned...

Friday, 1 July 2011

Departure time for Riding of the Marches

Reminder (one week later!): the coach leaves West Denton tomorrow morning at 9am for the competition at the Riding of the Marches event in Annan!! We play 1st in our category--competition time at 14.00. Let's shake off the negative vibes from last weekend and surprise people with our comeback! Good luck!!!!

Friday, 24 June 2011

Departure time for British Championships

Reminder: the coach leaves West Denton tomorrow morning at 9am for the British Championships in Annan!! Good luck!!!!

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Draw for British Championships

British Championships on Saturday 25th June - we have been drawn to play at 16:28 (20th out of 21 in our section!)

Other bands of interest and their playing times

Morpeth - 11:12
101 - 12:24
Dumfries and Galloway - 13:57
Scottish Power - 14:45

Monday, 23 May 2011

Special visitors next week!

We are pleased to welcome Rebecca Shatwell, Director of Newcastle's AV Festival (http://www.avfestival.co.uk/), a couple of her colleagues and special guest, artist Yoshi Wade (from San Francisco & who composes music for bagpipes), to our practice on Thursday, 2nd June around 8 pm. They would like to hear the band play and talk to the band members. Thanks for your participation!

Band Practice

REMINDER: Band practice will be on Wednesday night (25th May) as the room isn't available on our normal practice nights this week.

Sunday, 22 May 2011


Well, Dumbarton has come and gone. The band made a great effort--especially given the nasty weather--and know what has to be done to kick a** in future competitions! More pix will be put up later but thought this one should be shared immediately:-) A welcome note of humor during a very blustery, soggy day!

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Scottish Championships at Dumbarton

Awesome practice Tuesday night!! You all sound great! Get psyched for Dumbarton. The bus leaves from the West Denton Association on Hillhead Road (NE5 1DN) at 7.45 am on Saturday morning!! Remember, the coach fee is £12/adult. New ties have been passed out so it would be nice to see all musicians in the new shirts and ties for this competition!

Friday, 13 May 2011

Dunbar Competition on Saturday, 14th May 2011

Due to multiple reasons, the band will NOT participate at the Dunbar competition tomorrow. If you still want to watch the other participants, the location is at the Hallhill Centre on Kellie Road in Dunbar (EH42 1RF).

The band is still scheduled for the Scottish Championships at Dumbarton next Saturday. Please, we need EVERYBODY at the Tuesday and Thursday practices in a positive frame of mind & ready to work hard! We have a great potential - let's bring it all together & show what we're capable of doing when we want to make the effort!!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Rest in peace (part 2)

To the older/former members of the pipe band: we are sad to also announce the death of Derek Elliott, a former member of the City of Newcastle Pipe Band and grandfather to current members, Matthew and Helen Nicholson. If you would like to be put in touch with the family, please contact the pipe band in a private e-mail (contact@cityofnewcastlepipeband.co.uk) for more information.

Tune in today!!!

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Our one and only pipe major, Tom Rae, will be live on Radio Newcastle sometime between 4.30 and 5 pm today! Listen in if you have a free moment as he gives us a free bit of positive publicity:-)

Rest in peace...

To the older/former members of the pipe band: we are sad to announce the death of John Fox, a former member of the City of Newcastle Pipe Band. His son, Paul Fox, would like contact details of former band members. If you would like to be put in touch with the family, please contact the pipe band in a private e-mail (contact@cityofnewcastlepipeband.co.uk) for more information.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Sunderland Results - Part 2

Close-up of our prize winners! But...Helen is posing with one of Thomas' trophies while she waits for her own trophy to be returned to the NE England Branch by the previous winner. And another one of Thomas' trophies fell apart into multiple pieces just after it was handed over to Thomas (NOT Thomas' fault but oops anyway). Anyway, all three worked very hard so congratulations!

Sunderland Results - Part 1

Well done to everyone who went in for the Sunderland solo drumming and Mini bands contest! Thomas got the first place prize in three different competitions: open march, novice and juvenile! Helen received third place in the practice pad competition and Rhys won the 1st place practice pad trophy...keeping it with the City of Newcastle Pipe Band for a 2nd year.

Friday, 1 April 2011

NE Branch Competition at Sunderland

Reminder: Sunderland solo drumming and mini band competition tomorrow, 2nd April 2011. Thomas, Helen & Rhys are participating in the solo competitions and the band is participating in the mini band/quartet contests -- good luck everyone!
The location is at the Sunningdale School on Shaftoe Road (SR3 4HA). The school is open from 9.00 onwards with judges expected around 10.00; we're aiming to be there around 9.30.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Hi everybody,

This Saturday, 26th March, is the solo/mini band competition at Peebles.

Here is some important information:

Peebles High School
Springwood Road
EH45 9HB

All soloists (and those that accompany them) must register at 08.15. Mini Bands must register by 12.00.

Rhys - Stick and Pad 11yrs & over - 10.20 - 5th position (out of 9)
Thomas - Junior Solo Drumming 14yrs & under - 5th position (out 13)
Morgan - Junior Solo Piping 14yrs & under - 10.50 - 12th position (out of 13)
Grade Four Mini Band - 14.30 - 16th position (out of 18)

Good luck everybody!!

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Dumfries Competition results

Congratulations to Helen, Rhys, Thomas, Matthew, Morgan & Jordan for participating in the Dumfries competition yesterday!!! Special congratulations to Rhys (2nd place in the Juvenile Stick & Pad contest) and Thomas (2nd place in the Juvenile Solo Drumming contest)!!! Although our pipers didn't win any prizes, they did get "Merit" marks from the judges and should be proud of themselves:-)

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Dumfries and District Music Festival (DDMFA) – Piping & Drumming Competition on Saturday, 19th March 2011

ARRIVAL/REGISTRATION TIME: No general registration time. Musicians need to show up 30 minutes before their event. The first event for our pipe band is at 9 am (for Helen and Rhys).

DRAW/TIMETABLE: E-mails have been sent out to all those concerned with details. Everybody can access/download the information at this site: http://www.ddmfa.org/

To summarize:
Event 9 – Helen & Rhys – 9 am prompt
Event 10 – Thomas – approx 9.30 am (16th position)
Event 4 – Matthew – approx 10 am (2nd position)
Event 6 – Morgan – approx 10 am (5th position)
Event 5 – Morgan – approx 10.50 am (12th position)
Event 12 – Trio piping – approx 2.30 pm (5th position)

LOCATION: Dumfries Academy (DG1 1DD)

DRIVING/PARKING DIRECTIONS: When I called the DDMFA secretary today, I received directions to a calmer, more intimate parking lot at the Academy that apparently isn’t as well known. This is what I was told:

- As we get closer to Dumfries, take the Dumfries bypass (at the roundabout there is a Shell filling station) by turning right onto A75.

- Go straight through the 2nd roundabout.

- On the following roundabout, turn left onto A701/Edinburgh Road.

- Will pass a golf course and see the river on the right.

- At the 2nd set of traffic lights (she said 2nd—but keep eyes open in case counting was off), make an immediate right onto unmarked drive that takes you into an Academy car park.

- This right-turn is at a traffic light where Edinburgh Street becomes Academy Street (and Lover’s Walk—also a street—is to the left). The small, unmarked entrance on the right has stone pillars. Next to one pillar is a small white “Edinburgh Road” street sign; behind the other is a stone house. At this intersection, there is a small church with a turret on the left corner on the opposite side of the intersection. And you can see all this for yourself on Google maps because I didn’t receive THAT much detail!

If you go too far, turn right at Irving Street (one or two more traffic lights further down), follow it a bit and you’ll see a large school parking lot on your right-hand side.


Thursday, 3 March 2011

Attention: Peebles Competition information

The order of players/band and the times have been drawn for the Peebles competition on the 26th March. Please see the following link for more information: http://www.rspba.org/html/contestdraw.php?contest=LandB%20Indoor%20Solos%20and%20Mini%20Bands

Tentative Competition Calendar for 2011

Hi everybody,

This is the tentative competition calendar for 2011. Please give us an idea of your general availability. This will help us determine if we are able to enter in a particular competition and/or if we need to arrange transportation.

Thanks for your help!

MARCH 2011
Saturday, 19th - Dumfries - Solo competitions (entry forms already submitted)
Saturday, 26th - Peebles - Solo and mini-band competitions (entry forms already submitted)

APRIL 2011
Saturday, 2nd - Sunderland - Solo drumming and mini-band competitions

MAY 2011
Saturday, 14th - Dunbar
Saturday, 21st - SCOTTISH CHAMPIONSHIPS - Dumbarton

JUNE 2011
Saturday, 4th - Shotts
Saturday, 25th - BRITISH CHAMPIONSHIPS - Annan

JULY 2011
Saturday, 2nd - Annan
Sunday, 17th - Ashbourne
Sunday, 24th - Edinburgh
Note: Rothbury Music Festival is the 15th - 17th July.

Sunday, 7th - Bridge of Allan
Saturday, 13th - WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS - Glasgow
Saturday, 20th - Melrose
Saturday, 27th - COWAL CHAMPIONSHIPS - Dunoon

Sunday, 11th - Peebles

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Bagad Championships in France - Sunday, 27 February - check them out online!!

Big music competition in Brest, Brittany on Sunday (27 February). It's the Category 1 Bagad Championships! The competition starts at approx 12.30 UK time (13.30 in France). Our family's favorites are Cap Caval, Bro Kemperle and Brieg. Check out the link* for bands and times. This competition is actually transmitted live on the Internet: http://video-direct.france3.fr/player.php?id=1050

* http://bretagne.france3.fr/info/1ere-manche-du-championnat-de-bretagne-des-bagadou-67410990.html

Friday, 18 February 2011

The Chicks are hot in Benidorm!

Tom loving his break abroad just thought he'd share with you the sights!!!

Practice next week

Just to remind everybody - Practice is not on next Tuesday night (due to another function at the club). Do not fear though we are practising on Monday night instead - Thursday just as normal

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Solo Piping results

Congratulations to everybody who participated in today's solo piping competitions. You all did an awesome job and should be proud of your effort. Also, thanks very much to all the supporters who came to cheer them on. We definitely left our mark on this competition with the following results:

Juvenile/Intermediate Contest:
Matthew - 1st place
Morgan - 3rd place

Open March:
Ian - 3rd place
(and Jordan - 2nd place)

Veterans March:
Ian - 1st place

Previous Winners March:
Ian - 2nd place
(and Jordan - 1st place)

Medley Selection:
Ian - 2nd place
Morgan - 4th place
(and Jordan - 1st place)

Ian - 2nd place
(and Jordan - 3rd place)

Best Piper for this NE Branch contest: Ian
Best Juvenile Piper (under 16): Morgan

Again, thanks to everybody who made this day such a positive experience!

Friday, 4 February 2011

Good Luck and Good piping

Best wishes to everyone competing in the solos this weekend!

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Details for Solo Piping contest in Sunderland

Tentative schedule for Solo Piping contest in Sunderland on Saturday:

Contest 1 Chanter 10.00am
Contest 2 Juv/Int. 10.10am
Contest 3 Nov 11.00am
Contest 4 O.March 12.00pm
Contest 5 Vets 1.15pm
Contest 6 P.Wins 1.50pm
Contest 7 Med 2.20pm
Contest 8 MSR 2.50pm
Prizes 3.30pm

For the MSR, there are currently 10 entries. Names have been drawn with Morgan scheduled to go first and Ian scheduled to go 9th.

We've been reminded that ALL trophies (this applies to Matthew and Ian) from previous contests must be returned on the day or band will have to pay a fine and will NOT be able to play in other RSPBA competitions. If you don't want to forget them on Saturday, please bring them to practice on Thursday night and I'll take them in.

Again, the above schedule is tentative and subject to change so keep ears/eyes open on the day. Good luck!

Friday, 28 January 2011

Don't forget...

Reminder: the band is playing at a Burn's Night celebration on Saturday, 29th January 2011. Meet at St. Peter's Lodge, Maple Terrace, Newcastle (NE4 7SE) at 8 pm. Thanks for your participation!

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

February 2011 Solo Piping Contest

Jim,Tom, Matthew, Ian and Morgan are entered in the Branch Solo Piping Contest in Sunderland on Saturday, 5th February. If you have some free time, please come and cheer them on!! The location is at Sunningdale School (SR3 4HA) and the competition starts at 10.00 am.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Sunderland Solo Piping Competition

Last deadline for anybody interested in the Feb 5 solo piping contests in Sunderland! Forms need to be filled out and entrance fees need to be submitted at next Tuesday's practice (Jan 25). This is open to all registered band members so please consider participating!!!

Future posts will include reminders for the other Sunderland competitions (trio piping, mini band, drumming).

Happy Friday!

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Upcoming Event

Hi everybody,

The band will be playing at the St. Peter's Lodge Burn's Night on Saturday, 29th January 2011.

Please mark your calenders for this date. Meet at St. Peter's Lodge, Maple Terrace, Newcastle (NE4 7SE). Will post the time as soon as it is available.


Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Mugged at the Stadium of Light

Can anyone help - police are asking for help for the most heinous of crimes carried out at the Satdium of Light on Sunday just gone.

We are not talking about the little toe-rag that tried to launch Steve Harper! Incidentally he was marched straight to St James Park by his dad so that he could apologise to the Newcastle team firstly for the attempted assault and secondly for the daylight robbery that happened just prior to him confronting Harper... and then straight back to the Stadium of Light where he again apologised - it's not gonna help bonnie lad but nice gesture! My advice take up fishing or badminton and learn to channel your aggression!

Anyhow - 4 points off us this season and you lot are still not happy! - Simply any argument doesn't work cos the league doesn't lie!

I'm gonna get a petition together to change Newcastle's name from 'Newcastle upon Tyne' to 'Newcastle under Sunderland' and before you say it I know it's a marathon not a sprint!

Monday, 10 January 2011

This years competition programme

Competition dates now available via the RSPBA website or just click on this link  - Dates for competitions

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

No practice tonight!

Hi everybody,

The room at Byker is booked tonight (Tuesday, 4th January) so there is NO practice. Practice is still on for Thursday evening.

See you then!