Sunday, 3 April 2011

Sunderland Results - Part 2

Close-up of our prize winners! But...Helen is posing with one of Thomas' trophies while she waits for her own trophy to be returned to the NE England Branch by the previous winner. And another one of Thomas' trophies fell apart into multiple pieces just after it was handed over to Thomas (NOT Thomas' fault but oops anyway). Anyway, all three worked very hard so congratulations!

Sunderland Results - Part 1

Well done to everyone who went in for the Sunderland solo drumming and Mini bands contest! Thomas got the first place prize in three different competitions: open march, novice and juvenile! Helen received third place in the practice pad competition and Rhys won the 1st place practice pad trophy...keeping it with the City of Newcastle Pipe Band for a 2nd year.

Friday, 1 April 2011

NE Branch Competition at Sunderland

Reminder: Sunderland solo drumming and mini band competition tomorrow, 2nd April 2011. Thomas, Helen & Rhys are participating in the solo competitions and the band is participating in the mini band/quartet contests -- good luck everyone!
The location is at the Sunningdale School on Shaftoe Road (SR3 4HA). The school is open from 9.00 onwards with judges expected around 10.00; we're aiming to be there around 9.30.