Monday, 23 May 2011

Special visitors next week!

We are pleased to welcome Rebecca Shatwell, Director of Newcastle's AV Festival (, a couple of her colleagues and special guest, artist Yoshi Wade (from San Francisco & who composes music for bagpipes), to our practice on Thursday, 2nd June around 8 pm. They would like to hear the band play and talk to the band members. Thanks for your participation!

Band Practice

REMINDER: Band practice will be on Wednesday night (25th May) as the room isn't available on our normal practice nights this week.

Sunday, 22 May 2011


Well, Dumbarton has come and gone. The band made a great effort--especially given the nasty weather--and know what has to be done to kick a** in future competitions! More pix will be put up later but thought this one should be shared immediately:-) A welcome note of humor during a very blustery, soggy day!

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Scottish Championships at Dumbarton

Awesome practice Tuesday night!! You all sound great! Get psyched for Dumbarton. The bus leaves from the West Denton Association on Hillhead Road (NE5 1DN) at 7.45 am on Saturday morning!! Remember, the coach fee is £12/adult. New ties have been passed out so it would be nice to see all musicians in the new shirts and ties for this competition!

Friday, 13 May 2011

Dunbar Competition on Saturday, 14th May 2011

Due to multiple reasons, the band will NOT participate at the Dunbar competition tomorrow. If you still want to watch the other participants, the location is at the Hallhill Centre on Kellie Road in Dunbar (EH42 1RF).

The band is still scheduled for the Scottish Championships at Dumbarton next Saturday. Please, we need EVERYBODY at the Tuesday and Thursday practices in a positive frame of mind & ready to work hard! We have a great potential - let's bring it all together & show what we're capable of doing when we want to make the effort!!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Rest in peace (part 2)

To the older/former members of the pipe band: we are sad to also announce the death of Derek Elliott, a former member of the City of Newcastle Pipe Band and grandfather to current members, Matthew and Helen Nicholson. If you would like to be put in touch with the family, please contact the pipe band in a private e-mail ( for more information.

Tune in today!!!

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Our one and only pipe major, Tom Rae, will be live on Radio Newcastle sometime between 4.30 and 5 pm today! Listen in if you have a free moment as he gives us a free bit of positive publicity:-)

Rest in peace...

To the older/former members of the pipe band: we are sad to announce the death of John Fox, a former member of the City of Newcastle Pipe Band. His son, Paul Fox, would like contact details of former band members. If you would like to be put in touch with the family, please contact the pipe band in a private e-mail ( for more information.