Monday, 8 March 2010

Cwlwm Celtaidd - Lets get it out of the way!

Just thought I would post this at my earliest opportunity just so that the story does not get warped by malicious conjecture.

There was a slight altercation involving our van (driven by me) and a BMW. I just thought I should clear up the situation and explain why it happened....

I was driving under duress at the time and had a lot to think about whilst driving my prime concerns were for everyone else in the band and as follows.....

1. Whether Tom was OK after nearly electricuting himself with the Toaster and only managing to blow the lights out
2. That Catherine wasn't missing her dad too much
3. That Bill had taken his tablets on time and that his phone wasn't going to alarm every 9 minutes to remind him
4. That Davey's moustache was neatly groomed
5. That Jordan was going to get enough eggs and black pudding for his breakfast
6. That Billy was going to get his kebab.
7. That Malcolm had put his tie in it's original plastic cover and put it away with his Sunday Sport magazine
8. That Nikki was going to get enough Vodka and Red Bull that night
9. That Sarah was going to be able to feed her tapeworm
And even though they weren't there yet (I was still thinking of them)..
10. That Terry wasn't going to be accosted by random strangers
11. That Jimmy was going be able to carry out his Tommy Cooper impersonation to perfection (jar- spoon,spoon-jar,jar-jar- spoon, spoon-spoon jar!).

So you can understand the mental strain! I'd just like to say Thanks for the overwhelming sympathy particularly from the Drum corps! and Sarah for describing in detail the damage done and making sure i knew that it was a BMW!!!

Anyhow, despite this what a fantastic weekend! - the band was well received at the schools, the street parade, the pavillion and when they played with Mabon on Saturday. Personally I haven't laughed as much in my life, except for the incident with the Beamer - I fear this is not the end of the band's continued support.


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