Answers on a postcard.....
Well it's off to Cowal pretty soon - looks like there's going to be a pretty good turn out from the band yet again. Got to hand it to us with the exception of Dunbar (that place would still be cold and foggy if the whole area was lifted and dropped on Egypt!) we have had very good turn outs this year - long may it continue.
Seems as though there will be a few more piping additions stengthening the band - welcome to Darren, Graham (bit of a trickster here - I noticed last night not really playing the band tunes but a whizz at the jigs!! - Anyhow he's signed up with us now and I'm sure we'll get to see the real side of him!!).
Also, little Thomas is now in the huff cos he didn't see Jim Kilpatrick's impromptu drum salute at the Worlds (I did!) and he's now thrown his drumsticks in the bin and swapped it for a chanter!!!
Anyhow there's 34 of us off to Cowal as it stands - all of the rooms are allocated and I've asked the Hotel to ensure they have plenty of Beer and Horlicks for Billy Ince.
This could be hard reed moment but what the hell....Has anyone seen Niall since the Worlds by the way or is he in hiding? When he gets back I dare the whole band to play an early E when we strike up the competition set - Joking aside I suppose this can happen to the best of us - I listened to the set and they sounded fantastic! (creeping now).
Sylvester McCoy by the way pictured above who used to be Doctor Who (and a poor one at that - not in the league of Christopher Ecclestone or David Tennant) He's the cheiftan at Cowal next week -
yeah through my drumsticks in the bin but got a brand new set of black ones wich i got off jim kilpatrick
ReplyDeleteNice One!!!