City of Newcastle Band tunes for 2011 **NEW TUNES**

Willie Ross' Farewell to the Scot's Guards
Atholl and Breadalbane gathering
Australian Ladies
Auchmountains Bonnie Glen

Highland Cathedral

Flower of Scotland

Amazing Grace
Skye Boat Song

We will rock you!

Green Hills of Tyrol
The Battles O'er

Scotland the Brave
Mhairi's Wedding
The Rowan Tree

Pipe Major John Barclay
Atholl Highlanders
Angus McKinnon
Donald Mclean of Lewis

Dawning of the Day
Hills of Argyll

Weary Maid
The Sorcerer*
Jack's Jig
The Duck
Spirit of Beauly
Hafton Country Club*
The Strath*
Wullies Dram*

Garden of Skye
1976 Military Police Tattoo

Castle Dangerous
My Land*
Colin's Cattle*

Caber Feidh*

* NEW FOR 2011